TIMELESS: ASOT Openers | Razormane Selects [December 2023]

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Was there a specific setting in which you experienced ASOT (as a teen)? There was one for me: I would often be sitting on my bro's desk chair as it was placed right in front of his bed as he chilled on his bed and had his mp3 with radio recorder on. I'd be doing my homework on my lap, balancing my books and binders on my lap on top of this large drawing board he had. Back in those 2006 days he'd often be working on his own studies as well. So A State Of Trance would come on every Thursday night and I'd usually only be able to tune in for the first hour since it ran from 22:00 to 23:00 after which it was bed time for me. 

We'd be locked in, fully ready for the stuff Armin was about to throw at us. And once every few episodes Armin would open a brand new episode with a tune so absorbing, a tune so magical, we would just listen to it with wide open eyes and mouths, utter disbelief at the musical brilliance unfolding through the airwaves all the way into our eardrums. Now December is always a month of nostalgia for me. And this year I decided it was about time for me to compile a list to honor some of the very best openers this show has EVER had... In my humble opinion of course. 

So eh, what are you standing around, looking at me for?? Hit play already and get immersed into a Staaate... Ooooooof... Traaaaaaaaaaaaance... <3
My selection for this throwback:

[ASOT #235] Alex Stealthy - Everything Is Nothing (Original Mix)
[ASOT #272] Johan Vermeulen - Labyrinth (Original Mix)
[ASOT #378] 16 Bit Lolitas feat. Jennifer Horne - Nobody Seems To Care (Original Mix)
[ASOT #409] Lolo - Trampoline (Original Mix)
[ASOT #385] Bardo State - The Jezebel Spirit (Bart Claessen Intro Mix)
[ASOT #238] Karen Overton - Your Loving Arms (Club Mix)
[ASOT #223] Andrew Bennett & Rico Soarez - Light Of Hope (Original Mix)
[ASOT #289] Alex Bartless feat. Anthya - Touch The Sun (Rank 1 Remix) 
[ASOT #318] Arnej - People Come, People Go (Original Mix)
[ASOT #314] Jody Wisternoff - Starstrings (Vocal Mix)
[ASOT #302] Sunlounger - Another Day At The Terrace (Intro Club Mix)
[ASOT #412] Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow (Jerome Isma-Ae Bootleg)
[ASOT #301] The Thrillseekers feat. Aruna - Waiting Here For You (Night Music Edit)
[ASOT #254] Cape Town - Proglifter (Original Mix)
[ASOT #376] The Killers - Human (Armin van Buuren Remix)
That's all for now, until next time!

You can find the next selection here.
You can find the previous selection here. 


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