Razormane Selects Top 2022 [December 2022]
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Here's my final selection for 2022. Thirty delicious tracks that have defined the past 12 months for me. And of course those that didn't make the final cut. You might notice the Honorable Mentions section showcasing two sets of tracks. That's because the second batch originated from my Chill-out rush from the end of September through to November. I COULD have made an entire separate Top 30 for my favorite Chill-Out discoveries alone but I felt it would have been cheating and it would have meant I didn't count these Chill-out tunes to fit with my general Electronic taste so yeah.
I think this is the very first time my Tune Of The Year struggle was between two tracks by one artist: David Broaders - Pink Clouding vs. Kyau & Albert - Falling Anywhere (David Broaders Remix). Whereas the former overloads me with nostalgic and melancholic bliss, the latter has systematically forced a huge grin on my face throughout the summer. Melodic perfection. :) The way he completely reinvented this K&A Classic to become a masterpiece in its own right is something I admire: doing a proper remix is difficult enough as it is, let alone crafting a brilliant innovative one. In the end I went for David's Remix over Pink Clouding, for the simple reason that the remix better defined the second half of the year for me, which was also much much better than the first half where I struggled mentally and physically too. I'd much rather remember 2022 for its summer and beyond. ;)
Other than that, this list is represented by most of my GOATs through the ages: Ferry, Armin, Joris Voorn all got in with two tracks each, Stoneface & Terminal even pulled off a hattrick! Rank 1, Nhato, Eelke Kleijn, Solarstone and Lange are all in too. Warms the heart to still see so many of these guys going strong since I first started compiling these Top Year lists all the way back in 2005... Obrigado, legends!!
Time to leave you to it, enjoy the ride folks!
Razormane Top 2022
Michael Ruland - Embrace In Space (Soundtrack Version)
Washed Out - Face Up (Original Mix)
Jazzy Pecada - Slow Down [Classic #2 Of 2022]
Chungking - Voodoo (Original Mix) [Classic #1 Of 2022]
Ferry Corsten & Morgan Page feat. Cara Melin - Wounded (Extended Mix)
Yoel Lewis - Dubai (Extended Mix)
Format - Solid Session (Joris Voorn Remix)
Eelke Kleijn - Transmission (Extended Mix)
Ben Gold - Liberation (Extended Mix)
David Broaders - Pink Clouding (DJ Version) [Razormane TOTY 2022 runner-up]
Kyau & Albert - Falling Anywhere (David Broaders Extended Remix) [Razormane Tune Of The Year 2022]
Kyau & Albert - Where Did All The Years Go? (DJ Version)
Armin van Buuren & Florentin feat. Jordan Grace - Echoes (Extended Mix)
Ferry Corsten & Dustin Husain - Timeout (Extended Mix)
Röyksopp - Beautiful Day Without You [Classic #3 Of 2022]
Chicane vs. Armin van Buuren & AVIRA - Offshore (Extended Mix)
Aly & Fila And JES - Sunrise (Rank 1 Extended Remix)
Tempo Giusto - Escape To A Better Future (Extended Mix)
NOMADSignal - Make Me Crazy (Extended Mix)
Joris Voorn presents VIRSION - Ripper (Original Mix)
Marcel van Houte - Can You Dance To My Beat (Extended Mix)
Nhato - Blind Anger (Original Mix)
Sneijder - Bring The Noize (Extended Mix)
Stoneface & Terminal - Berlin '97 (Get On Me) (Extended Remix)
Paul Denton - Richochet (Stoneface & Terminal Extended Remix)
Lange presents Firewall - Together (Extended Mix)
Stoneface & Terminal And SinSonic - Spaceglide (Extended Mix)
Solarstone - Sovereign (Extended Mix)
Dan Thompson - Airbourne (Extended Mix)
John Askew feat. Shelby Merry - When Darkness Comes (Extended Mix)
Honorable Mentions 2022
Dohko & Banaati - Dream Cycle (Extended Mix)
Luminary - My World (meHiLove Remix)
VONDA7 - High Tide (Extended Mix)
Matt Fax - Canvas (Extended Mix)
Hel:Slowed - Flashed (Extended Mix)
Armnin van Buuren - Oumouamoua (Original Mix)
Jeff Ozmits - Robotrippin (Extended Mix)
Fergie - Testify (Extended Mix)
Maarten de Jong - Frank Spector - La Nuit (Frank Spector Extended Mix)
StanV - Thoughts (Extended Mix)
Ben Gold - Xtravaganza (Extended Mix)
Temple One - Masquerade (Extended Mix)
Aly & Fila - Euphony (Extended Mix)
Re:Locate & Robert Nickson - Resource (ReChill)
Schwarz & Funk - Remando Al Viento (Cafe Del Mar Version)
Sofa Sweeper - Voice Of Core (Original Mix)
Exit Mars - Gliding (Comfort Version)
Ben Leela - Dreaming A Dream (Original Mix)
Puff Dragon - Spacefunk (Original Mix)
Tommy Awards - Hotell Odemark (Original Mix)
Sisterlove - The Hypnotist (Original Mix)
Cafe Americaine - Kashmir Wanderer (Nylons Cut)
To conclude...
2022 was a brilliant music year for me, in no small part due to discovering 1.fm chill-out Radio which granted me +90 new chill-out/ambient/downtempo masterpieces over the course of 2-3 months: most are electronic, some Jazzy but all deserve to be called beautiful and magnificent. It made the sudden transition from Summer to Fall slightly more bearable for me. As for the main list, I heavily relied on ASOT again for the second year running and I do have to say I felt this year the show was weaker than last year. It's quite telling that 2021 and its semi-COVID restricted party situation led to much more beautiful, non-cheesy productions: with that headache lifted, artists went touring 24/7 again and as a result we have that Future Rave hype and other gimmicky cheesy stuff doing the rounds now rather than producers just focusing on quality over quantity... Alas, it was good while it lasted I guess. xD And in the end this Top 30 is in no ways weaker than last year's batch or the ones in 2019 and 2018.
2023 will be a big year: it will mark 20 years (FRIGGIN TWENTY YEARS ARGH) that I first heard Sensation - The Anthem 2003 and became a Trance fan. Two decades man, that's UNREAL. In that light, I hope next year will be Legendary music wise. Can't wait :) Cheers for 2023 everyone, stay safe out there and have fun!!
- Papa Razor
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