Razormane Selects Top 2020 [December 2020]
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Razormane Top 2020
Malcolm Robinson - Manoria Cathedral (Orchestral Mix)
Stromae - Merci
Faithless - Pastoral [Classic #4 of 2020]
Faithless - Blissy's Groove [Classic #5 of 2020]
Faithless feat. Suli Breaks and Nathan Ball - This Feeling (Extended Mix)
Faithless feat. Suli Breaks and Jazzie B - Innadadance
Jamiroquai - Superfresh
Jamiroquai - Automaton
TUNE OF THE YEAR 2020: Faithless feat. Nathan Ball - Synthesizer (Extended Mix)
Stromae - Bâtard
Stromae - Ta Fête
Faithless - We Come 1 (Rollo & Sister Bliss Monster Mix) [Classic #1 of 2020]
Faithless - Thank You [Classic #2 of 2020]
Faithless - Lotus [Classic #3 of 2020]
Rank 1 - Transatlantic Communication (Live At ASOT #950)
Rank 1 - Predictive Memory (Live At ASOT #950)
Rank 1 - Paris Nice Cannes (Live At ASOT #950)
Honorable Mentions 2020
Songs from the Umbrella Academy S1 & S2 soundtracks
Those old Pop/Hiphop/Rock/RnB radio hits I grew up with
To conclude...
2020 was the year of You Know What. Blegh... It's been one huge annoyance. Worst year ever you ask me? HELL NO. That crown still belongs to 2014 as far as I'm concerned. I definitely had some memorable things to be thankful for this year: I reached my work-out target of 100 sessions in one year. I started working on my album We Will Prevail and made far more progress on new music in this year then both 2018 and 2019 combined! I am feeling more and more comfortable in my own skin: his summer I even walked around bare-chested, slowly learning to get over the anxiety caused by my Pectus Excavatum. I celebrated my 30th birthday and it was one of the three best birthdays I've ever celebrated. A special moment to cherish with special people I am grateful to have in my life. And of course, I got to see Rank 1 Live after SEVEN years. Right before everything went to heck. Lucky! ;)
One of the down-sides of this year however was that I ended up taking a step back from staying up to speed with new releases and instead focused on mostly oldskool Pop/Hiphop/Rock/RnB radio hits I grew up with. Though... That in itself was a good thing again I guess! But yeah, this year's list is a bit... "off" compared to previous years because of that semi-hiatus. But despite that, I got to discover some incredible gems, in particular those by Stromae, Jamiroquai and Faithless' older albums.
Rank 1's live act was the last party I experienced and probably the last I will experience until summer '21 or later... It makes a legendary night ever more memorable because of the turn 2020 took in March. Sadly the new(-ish) tracks have not received official extended releases but hopefully Piet & Benno decide to launch a four-track EP in 2021 featuring Transatlantic Communication, Predicitve Memory, No Name and Paris Nice Cannes or at least a two-track EP with TA and PNC... And if not... Well, we've always got this live act to enjoy these fun tunes. :)
See you next year, stay safe!
- Papa Razor
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